My photo
In my professional and personal life, I have always sought to lead people, teams and projects with one mission: positive influence and impact. As founder of Revolution Personal Training Center, I lead an award winning private studio to impact thousands of lives using the concepts I still teach today. As President of Elevate Your Life from 2016, I switched into a consulting role providing mentoring to those seeking to build a business in the fitness industry. I have effectively taught thousands of people on sales and leadership, generating millions in sales in the fitness and wellness space, as well as multiple award winning and recognized top producers in nationwide companies. Today, I am focused on writing and sharing what I have learned along the way. Uncommon Optimism is the underlying theme of knowing that NO MATTER what life throws our way, we are always able to focus on what we can control - ourselves… Join me on the journey as I share what I've learned to help you elevate your self, your business, and your life.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Copy of Assessment Week workout for clients (SHOES OFF)

DATE: ___________________                         NAME_________________________________________
Ø  Improved client mobility and flexibility
Ø  Improve client proprioception/ min muscle connection
Ø  Prepare to give 110% at the next workout
Ø  Provide balance to muscles surrounding joints to prevent injury and pain
Self guided circuit.  You need a timer (wall clock works fine).  There is a shoes off exercise so today is a great day to ditch your shoes.
 Do each station below for 1 minute, 2 rounds at least!
1.     Warm up on cardio equipment
2.     Parallel foam roll along spine from neck to tailbone
3.     Regular foal roll back to base of skull
4.     Foam roll each lat (8 deep breaths, switch and repeat)
5.     Foam roll itb and hamstrings
6.     Foam roll hip flexor and quad
7.     Roll your instep with baby roller or hard foam roller
8.     Lacrosse/TP ball – rotate between a and b each circuit
a.      Option a) TP/lacrosse ball under glute.  If right glute, cross right foot over left knee with left foot planted on floor placing ball right in the glute stretch on the right side.  OUCH! Hold 8 deep breaths, alternate.
b.      Option b) lay on your side and find your rear deltoid (shoulder on the back of your body then place the ball right under there, your “upper lat” it will feel like.  Put your arm in front of you and bend your elbow at a 90 degree angle.  The ball will be a tender spot, move your hand like a windshield wiper take top of your hand towards the floor then palm of your hand and work through that tender spot.  8 breaths each side, rotate and repeat.
9.     Upper body mobility: deadbug to servant (hold 8 deep breaths): kneel on knees and bring elbows to knees where forearms are flat and palms are down.  On the outbreath, slide palm all the way out and extend the arm then flip the hand so the thumb rotates up then as far over and out as possible and lift the palm up extending the arm and hold that stretch working for 8 fill breaths each side! 
10.  Scapular Push up:  get in full pu position, then just squeeze shoulder blades and round back for the minute
11.  Wall Angels (butt and head on wall, feel can be out a bit). 
12.  Scorpions, exhale with each movement, do at least 16
13.  Frog  (like childs pose with knees out) or lying frog (like a lying butterfly stretch) – hold for 8 deep breaths, release, repeat
14.  Rollback the reach forward – rock back with your knees tucked then when you rock up/forwards, spread your legs and reach between.  Do in sets of 8.
15.  Toe Touch to deep squat pressing elbows out to open hips-hold the ham stretch 8 counts then the deep squat and press 8 counts, release

Friday, July 12, 2013

My TOP Fatloss Recipe Book/Seminar Info

Hi guys, quick tip...the seminar details are in this post, the hormone post is one down.

Cooking when trying to lose body fat can Be tricky, we all know that. But today I got good news for you!

My friends Karine Losier and Dave Ruel spent the past year or so crafting the perfect "metabolic" recipe book.

I highly recommend this for your kitchen if you want to get leaner, do it faster, and have it taste BETTER than ever.

What is "metabolic cooking"?
Simply stated, it's a unique way of preparing food that combines nutrients specifically geared for melting off body fat FASTER than normal.

Here's what I really love about Metabolic Cooking:
1. The recipes are made from foods with a high Metabolic Thermo-Charge; more calories burned faster without losing taste...
2. They structured the cookbooks around their incredibly helpful "Metabolic Nutri-Profile"... makes it SUPEReasy to use...
3. It's been specifically designed to fight the Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon: That is what happens when you are on a dietplan and you all of a sudden stop dropping bodyfat!

This is truly the best recipe/cookbook for fitness geeks I have ever purchsaed!


PS:  Our Member Seminar is Free for our Team and $20 at the Door for all others.  Here are the details.

HORMONES: "The sexy 6"

There are 6 fat-burning hormones work together, which include thyroid, adrenaline, glucagons, testosterone, human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor.  The harder these hormones work, the more fat you will lose.  We will focus on the second list, but knowledge is power so first you need to know what I call the sexy 6, then we can move on.

  1. Thyroid hormone: A chemical substance made by the thyroid gland for export into the bloodstream. The thyroid gland needs iodine to make thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
  2. Adrenalinea hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure, and raises the blood levels of glucose and lipids. It is extracted from animals or synthesized for such medical uses as the treatment of asthma. Chemical name: aminohydroxyphenylpropionic acid; formula: C9H13NO3 US name epinephrine
  3. glucagon: A hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels, thus opposing the action of insulin.
  4. Human growth hormoneHGH, produced by the pituitary gland, spurs growth in children and adolescents. It also helps to regulate body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism, and possibly heart function.
  5. Insulin-like growth factorare proteins with high sequence similarity to insulin. IGFs are part of a complex system that cells use to communicate with their physiologic environment. This complex system (often referred to as the IGF "axis") consists of twocell-surface receptors (IGF1R and IGF2R), two ligands (Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2)), a family of six high-affinity IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to IGFBP-6), as well as associated IGFBP degrading enzymes, referred to collectively as proteases.
  6. Testosterone:  Testosterone is known as a "male" hormone, or androgen. It also is made in small amounts by a woman's adrenal glands and ovaries. A woman's testosterone is highest around age 20 and slowly declines till it is half as high in her 40s.2

      • In men, testosterone is linked to male physical traits and sex drive.
      • In women, testosterone may be linked to sex drive. But for women, interest in sex is much more complicated than just testosterone levels.

Now that you know what the sexy 6 are, lets talk about the hormones that slow down your metaboism and work against you, affecting our body's hormones and body composition.

CORTISOL:  Cortisol is a hormone that the adrenal gland secretes in response to stress. It is classified as a glucocorticoid, which is a hormone that increases blood sugar levels. When faced with a highly stressful or even life-threatening situation, the body produces cortisol, which then readies the system to respond with a fight or flight response depending on the nature of the threat.
GHRELIN: Ghrelin is a hormone released by the stomach that increases hunger,slows metabolism and decreases the body's ability to burn fat. During weight loss, some studies have found that individuals who lose weight and try to keep it off make more ghrelin than they did before losing weight, as if their bodies are fighting to regain the lost fat.
LEPTIN:  Leptin is a hormone produced in the fat cells. It plays a role in regulating body weight by signaling to the brain to reduce appetite and burn more calories. Some studies have shown that losing weight causes a marked decrease in leptin levels, which may in turn increase appetite.1 More extensive research is needed, however, to confirm these findings.

INSULIN: Insulin is a hormone that lowers the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood. It's made by the beta cells of the pancreas and released into the blood when the glucose level goes up, such as after eating. Insulin helps glucose enter the body's cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for future use.

So since knowledge is power, come learn more and increase your power to get better results.

We are so excited to sit down and discuss these hormones and how we can put them to use in the RIGHT direction instead of working to push them in the wrong direction and blocking us from achieveing our goals.

The next TRAINER SECRETS SEMINAR is free to Rev Fitness Team Members and a friend and $20 at the door for all others.

Committed to your health and fitness.


Monday, July 8, 2013


..have we really come this far?
Through the obstacles? Through the plateaus and unruly partners? Yes we have, and today we are going to talk about control.

Right now you have control over EVERYTHING except 1 thing.  What is that one thing?...what is the thing that no matter what you do from this point you are totally powerless over?  Have you thought of it?  Its the PAST.  And the totally freeing thing is, you have 100% control over everything else there is.  Every next thought, every reaction, everything you do is really within your control.

  • Whether you plan tonight for next week is 100% up to you.
  • Whether you let go of any mishaps this weekend is totally up to you.
  • Whether you have great music for your workouts and some buddies and accountability lined up and scheduled on your calendar is within YOUR control and no one else's.
  • Whether you pack your food tonight for tomorrow and plan right down to dinner and the before bed snack strategy is up to you.
  • Whether you bothered to read your goals and affirmations is up to you.
  • Whether you encourage and lift others is up to you.
  • Whether you give 100% and strive to be your best is up to you.
  • Whether you decide to quit or keep going no matter waht is up to you.

And whether you decide to be real with yourself and about what you want and whether or not you are worth doing what it takes to get it is up to you.
The past is gone, its history, a memory that will fade with time.  But starting right now, you can make a choice that creates a better circumstance, sets a new pattern and sets you up for success and actually reaching a goal instead of dancing around it.
Own your goal. Take responsibility for it.  Be one of those people who refuses to pass the buck. Even if its justified and people tell you its okay, that things aren't your fault.  Don't accept it. Prepare and plan for success no matter what.  You deserve it! is to a another week of accepting responsibiity, making a decision and TAKING CONTROL!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

14 week check in - Journal Entry for my team

Here is a secret only about 55 people know.  I am a big life-loving cheeseball who really believes and gets into all that mental training goal achievement be-your-best mumbo jumbo.  OK, thats not a secret so here is the real secret.

The Rev Family knows I am on a mission to reach my personal best again - mostly for fun, but also because its my job.  Not my job as a fitness person, no - not at all.  But just because life gets dull and boring and full of blah when you don't have something ahead of you that excites you.  And here comes the cheeseball moment...we really can do and be as big and as much as we want if only we are willing to a) know what it takes and b) sacrifice now to do what it takes.  And its fun to dream and go for things you once thought were unattainable.  Nothing else is fun compared to that.   So I knew I needed it, because when you decide to get physically your best, what you are really doing is raising your mental and emotional game so its a way to keep myself in check in all areas of life.  If life isn't rich and fun for you and full of inspiration, thats when you know you need it to.  And its absolutely helps me help others because it shows them that I know what and how they feel and I can help from a fresh, relatable place.

So, for my Rev family, what have I learned so far?

1)  I learned what I already knew

So, below I will share the lessons I technically RE-learned.  The bright spot here for me is that we talk about this in our coaching meetings, about how our job is sometimes to educate but mostly to facilitate or pull what is already in a client out of them.  What they need is already there.  We often have to overcome letting that client know that re-learning lessons is more than OKAY.  That is why this is never-ending.  Its the same lessons in a new context, at a new age, or with new circumstance.  If you are going to be successful, we have to be humble enough to relearn the old lessons without the know it all attitude or the self-loathing that we should've known that already so no wonder we are a failure.  Those are pride and ego talking.  So we have to be humble and relearn the lesson.  

2)  Fitness is really about getting what is inside, out. 

Its already in there.  Its what you are thinking every second of every day.  Its the mindset you wake up with and the words you say to your self all day long.  It is your approach to your day, your family, and your goals.  Its your approach and attitude through obstacles.  So its already in you, just must become aware of your mindset through all of these things and choose the one that leads you to success.  Its in you.  Its about being aware of yourself and being able to put yourself first and assigning quite a bit of value to your goals because you have such a high value on being your best.  

3)  It doesn't work until its about you, not them.

You cannot do it from a place of self-loathing, guilt, or shame.  Although it can start that way.  It just doesn't stay there. Because as you listen to yourself and become aware of what you are thinking moment to moment and choose to think differently, therefore make small decisions differently, and therefore get different results, you become aware of the POWER within you.  Which goes hand in hand with #2...its getting what you are and who you are truly OUT and to stop reacting and cowering to the other forces in life.  Then, it becomes about you and and doing it for you because you become better in every facet in every minute of your life when you are proactive about the most important thing you have - your health.  Its that simple.

I hope this helped someone take that next step and get what is inside, out.

Its all in your head,

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

BLOG: Decisions Determine Destinations - the addendum

 I DISPISE SELF PITY. I spent a career learning and teaching how to take outside circumstances and keep them emotionally and physically sepa...