There are 6 fat-burning hormones work together, which include thyroid, adrenaline, glucagons, testosterone, human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor. The harder these hormones work, the more fat you will lose. We will focus on the second list, but knowledge is power so first you need to know what I call the sexy 6, then we can move on.
- Thyroid hormone: A chemical substance made by the thyroid gland for export into the bloodstream. The thyroid gland needs iodine to make thyroid hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).
- Adrenaline: a hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure, and raises the blood levels of glucose and lipids. It is extracted from animals or synthesized for such medical uses as the treatment of asthma. Chemical name: aminohydroxyphenylpropionic acid; formula: C9H13NO3 US name epinephrine
- glucagon: A hormone produced by the pancreas that stimulates an increase in blood sugar levels, thus opposing the action of insulin.
- Human growth hormone: HGH, produced by the pituitary gland, spurs growth in children and adolescents. It also helps to regulate body composition, body fluids, muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism, and possibly heart function.
- Insulin-like growth factor: are proteins with high sequence similarity to insulin. IGFs are part of a complex system that cells use to communicate with their physiologic environment. This complex system (often referred to as the IGF "axis") consists of twocell-surface receptors (IGF1R and IGF2R), two ligands (Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2)), a family of six high-affinity IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to IGFBP-6), as well as associated IGFBP degrading enzymes, referred to collectively as proteases.
- Testosterone: Testosterone is known as a "male" hormone, or androgen. It also is made in small amounts by a woman's adrenal glands and ovaries. A woman's testosterone is highest around age 20 and slowly declines till it is half as high in her 40s.2
- In men, testosterone is linked to male physical traits and sex drive.
- In women, testosterone may be linked to sex drive. But for women, interest in sex is much more complicated than just testosterone levels.
Now that you know what the sexy 6 are, lets talk about the hormones that slow down your metaboism and work against you, affecting our body's hormones and body composition.
CORTISOL: Cortisol is a hormone that the adrenal gland secretes in response to stress. It is classified as a glucocorticoid, which is a hormone that increases blood sugar levels. When faced with a highly stressful or even life-threatening situation, the body produces cortisol, which then readies the system to respond with a fight or flight response depending on the nature of the threat.
GHRELIN: Ghrelin is a hormone released by the stomach that increases hunger,slows metabolism and decreases the body's ability to burn fat. During weight loss, some studies have found that individuals who lose weight and try to keep it off make more ghrelin than they did before losing weight, as if their bodies are fighting to regain the lost fat.
LEPTIN: Leptin is a hormone produced in the fat cells. It plays a role in regulating body weight by signaling to the brain to reduce appetite and burn more calories. Some studies have shown that losing weight causes a marked decrease in leptin levels, which may in turn increase appetite.1 More extensive research is needed, however, to confirm these findings.
INSULIN: Insulin is a hormone that lowers the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood. It's made by the beta cells of the pancreas and released into the blood when the glucose level goes up, such as after eating. Insulin helps glucose enter the body's cells, where it can be used for energy or stored for future use.
So since knowledge is power, come learn more and increase your power to get better results.
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