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In my professional and personal life, I have always sought to lead people, teams and projects with one mission: positive influence and impact. As founder of Revolution Personal Training Center, I lead an award winning private studio to impact thousands of lives using the concepts I still teach today. As President of Elevate Your Life from 2016, I switched into a consulting role providing mentoring to those seeking to build a business in the fitness industry. I have effectively taught thousands of people on sales and leadership, generating millions in sales in the fitness and wellness space, as well as multiple award winning and recognized top producers in nationwide companies. Today, I am focused on writing and sharing what I have learned along the way. Uncommon Optimism is the underlying theme of knowing that NO MATTER what life throws our way, we are always able to focus on what we can control - ourselves… Join me on the journey as I share what I've learned to help you elevate your self, your business, and your life.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Willpower is a BIG FAT Myth

Afternoon guys!

I spent the better part of a decade working with people in a one-on-one or semi-private setting trying to help them improve their bodies and lives. One thing stood out more than any other... The body they had, their health and the life they were living was a results of the habits they formed before working with me. Good or bad, these habits were responsible for who they had become. Im firmly convinced now more than ever that our results in life, whether we are talking personal, physical, or financial are a result of your HABITS. Not will power, not personality, and not circumstances.

Below are the top 3 activities I've noticed over the year that produce massive change for people I've worked with as they've dramatically improved their lives in 1 of the 3 areas listed. 

  1. Knowing your values so you don’t waste your most valuable asset.  Time is our most valuable commodity.  It cannot be bought, or saved.  It’s the most precious resource we have to live fully and reach goals.  And once its gone, there is no getting it back.   If you have no idea what is important to you then how can you be sure you are spending your time wisely?
  2. Spending time reading goals and mindset activities EVERY DAY.  This is a HABIT, at first its odd and you may forget, but it becomes a must!  You know that feeling when you haven’t brushed your teeth and you can’t wait to do it?  Now I feel like I haven’t brushed my teeth until I’ve read them all at least once! (PREVIEW FOR PHYSICAL…80 % of Americans are not well and most are overweight so this is the #1 issue in America.  I would offer this.   The main reason you are overweight is not because you don't have knowledge about nutrition or exercise, not because you don't know what to do. It is because of your mindset.)
  3. Being grateful for everything you have and every opportunity you have and every mistake made.  Show that gratitude often.  The mindset of blame, self-pity, resentment and negativity will only reduce any opportunities you have, and rob you of any energy to move forward.  And since that mindset gets you nothing and keeps you from a everything, we need an antidote.  Negativity cannot reside in a grateful heart, so gratitude is the antidote and will keep you moving forward.


  1. Drinking enough water – a giant glass right out of bed and with every meal, shoot for your body weight divided by 2 in oz daily
  2. Committing to a large salad a side of veggies every day !! 
  3. Eating Protein for Breakfast: 30-60 grams within an hour of waking up.

a.     This level of protein will increase your superpowers.  Well, maybe not. But kind of!  It will  will reset your brain's responsiveness to leptin – which reduces hunger J  That means high protein breakfasts not only put you in fat burning mode, they also help reduce your overall hunger. Talk about a winning habit!

b.    When you wake up and eat carbs, your body turns them into sugar and your pancreas secretes the hormone insulin to get the sugar from your blood to your fat cells.   

Killler High Protein Cookbook free report to keep you in the fat burning/high energy zone.

  1. Planning your day like a Camp Counselor based on your priorities and goals. We can schedule our to do list instead of just letting it be a “list.”  Then we schedule our email and social media time and workouts with a STOP TIME.  Letting others drive your schedule is a form of procrastination and it’s a habit that produces minimal results.  Hanging around and talking with no mind for the clock, letting email and facebook drive your workday are all habits that rob us.
  2. Getting organized.  Lack of organization is learned helplessness.  Get organized and get over it. You will love knowing you are in the driver’s seat.  You are absolutely capable.  You can do it.
  3. Getting ambitious.  Again, people are attracted to energy and success.  Professional opportunity comes in the form of people.  Are you someone they want to be around?

BLOG: Decisions Determine Destinations - the addendum

 I DISPISE SELF PITY. I spent a career learning and teaching how to take outside circumstances and keep them emotionally and physically sepa...