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In my professional and personal life, I have always sought to lead people, teams and projects with one mission: positive influence and impact. As founder of Revolution Personal Training Center, I lead an award winning private studio to impact thousands of lives using the concepts I still teach today. As President of Elevate Your Life from 2016, I switched into a consulting role providing mentoring to those seeking to build a business in the fitness industry. I have effectively taught thousands of people on sales and leadership, generating millions in sales in the fitness and wellness space, as well as multiple award winning and recognized top producers in nationwide companies. Today, I am focused on writing and sharing what I have learned along the way. Uncommon Optimism is the underlying theme of knowing that NO MATTER what life throws our way, we are always able to focus on what we can control - ourselves… Join me on the journey as I share what I've learned to help you elevate your self, your business, and your life.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

2 TIPS for achieving success as a health and wellness solopreneur

Remember this:
Its natural and NORMAL to question everything you are doing when you are building a business.
And quite frankly, there are some principles that always work (discussed below), but outside of that, no one has the magic potion. The real deal of the situation is this: Its lonely at the top, or rather, its lonely when you are building a business as a soloprenuer, especially in the health and wellness field.
You are likely highly passionate, with impeccable integrity, and more interested in helping people than anything else, even profit. You are likely driven by a desire to share what has helped you with EVERYONE so they can find their power and path.
Sound like you?
Not only is it lonely, its difficult to stay clear, objective, motivated, out of your head, and effective. So, getting in a hurry is a sure fire way to crash and burn. Staying confused is as well. You can have a sense of purpose and speed but you can’t hurry and stay clear and effective. The principles of building a business that come up for those of us in the wellness space being a soloprenuer are:
A specific measurable goal (that reflects your true purpose) for this month and 6 months out …minimum.
A daily plan on your schedule that are the actoins you decided BEFORE HAND are what you are going to do to reach those above to goals.
See, here is the thing. Deciding what to do in the moment, always on the fly, according to the last webinar you watched or 10 pages of a book you read or what you saw someone else do can move your business, yes, but its not in your best interest for several reasons.
1. How will you know what worked and didn’t?
3. How will you ever me free from that activity?
5. Do you want to wake up every day a year from now still blowing with the wind letting the influence of others decide your fate?
6. How about 5 years from now?
This is from my heart - the heart I have for the person who is starting out- I was you - and I want to pour my experience and personal investment into you so you can take your energy and passion for what you want to do together with what I can teach and find success, but even more, PEACE and FREEDOM.
So to really drill the point home: The huge problem with:
wing it daily,
do when you feel like,
work out of pure emotion
*I AM GONG OT WIN BECAUSE I CARE AND IM GOOD AT WHAT I DO* (this one is deadliest of all)
strategies are they will never provide you peace, and freedom.
The reason is simple. To win, you will learn to choose a goal and path and then commit to it so you can test and measure what works and what doesn’t.
That way you are able to use what is proven useful (not what some webinar or book promises is) and leave what is not.
You set aside time to make those decisions based on your goals, not your in the moment emotions, and then the job each day is to EXECUTE and ENJOY!!
That way you can use the lessons you are learning and upgrade the plan so that your business reaches its goals and so does your life with clarity and speed.
That way you can have a boundary around your work and allow yourself to know when you are “done” for the day and press forward with a clear mind.
If you combine this with the excitement you have for what you are building and your passion for helping others, you can turn your passion into a payday.
If you found this useful, or it made you think, added value in ANY way, I don’t ask for anything, just that you join me in helping others….if it made you think of someone you know, your teammate, or your team, share and tag away ON FACEBOOK.COM/UNCOMMONOPTIMISM

Friday, August 7, 2020



As soon as you’ve boiled your business down to one sentence ... illustrating what problem you solve ...
Now what problem does your business need to solve for YOU?
That is the difference in being a business owner and being self-employed.
Building a business is EXACTLY like building your fitness.
It requires knowing exactly where you want to go and then deciding exactly how to get there each day and evaluating what activities match your goal and YOUR timeline.
If you don’t set your business up to serve you, you will most definitely end up serving IT.
So ask some questions, and see what this helps reveal to you…
Think about exactly what you need to do each day to make that happen?
What’s the simplest way?
What’s the hardest way?
What have you tried that works?
Are you doing what is comfortable or what you know because thats how you did it last year, 5 years ago or even 10 years ago?
Am I doing what I’ve always done even though there may be better ways?
Am I so busy working IN my business that Im not working ON my business?
What principle do you know works, even though methods change?
How can you upgrade your method!?
Was there a better method? We’re you using a great method just inconsistent with it?
Do you need to scrap that method and learn a better way?
Know those numbers. Be crystal clear. If you aren’t, your customers and potential customers aren’t either.
In addition, you’ll likely be in the same place with bigger frustrations and bigger problems to solve in 1, 3or 5 years from now without a plan specifically to get where you’d like to go instead.
If this challenged you, helped you, or just made you feel heard and normal, share this post or tag a friend who you know has something special to share with their business that will benefit.
Simple Wins!

Sunday, August 2, 2020


 Correct consistent action > incorrect consistent action > correct inconsistent action. ⁣⁣

💥Pick 1 Target that gets most of your energy. What’s most important? ⁣⁣ if you don’t know this, then you’re probably VERY in your head.  
💥Align your focus to that - what’s the daily actions ( and when will you do them) to achieve that goal?? 
💥Do you really believe those actions will produce that goal? Really??? Look for evidence. 
💥Keep all other ideas on a timeline for after you’ve tested and measured your primary goal and action plan. 
💥Test and measure everything! ⁣⁣

Did this inspire, clarify, or help you in any way? JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK.COM/UNCOMMONOPTIMISM

BLOG: Decisions Determine Destinations - the addendum

 I DISPISE SELF PITY. I spent a career learning and teaching how to take outside circumstances and keep them emotionally and physically sepa...