Looking back I've used thousands of hours I will never get back on projects, ideas and people that had yielded nothing. THOUSANDS.
I used to mourn those times. Now I seem to forget them as soon as they pass. I heard a while back that one the of big keys to success in building a business is emotional control. This is NOT a natural talent of mine! In fact we are doing Strengthfinders books on our business teams and I am SURE this will not pop up for me as a strength unless emotional control is really code for this method of handling obstacles..
Yes, that really is me in a time of trial and tribulation. But I digress.
Turns out time is a great teacher. I learned that you invest yourself and your talents and you learn from those times when your actions don't yield the expected results. And you keep your emotions even in the process. So when she said she felt bad because our work together didn't get us anything today I remember thinking, this is an investment, not an expense. We invested the time to try and then learn from what we did. There is no other way to learn. Our time and effort will yield exactly what it should if we learn from it and we don't quit.
So that is it, that is my thought today. If you own a business, are you our there investing and learning and FAILING? There is no other way.
Its all in your head!