Mother Theresa actually said it way better, and I paraphrase, if you have time to judge, you have no room to love.
I have news for people who judge. That person you are judging has already beat you.
I know this because its no secret I've been to some pretty low valleys. And I've felt the pain of wishing I was doing better, and no motivational quote was going to fix it. And at times, I was jealous, annoyed and even critical. Truth is, its hard to watch others be clear, be in their flow, or on their game. Especially when the game you're playing is keeping your head above water and figuring out how to drop the weights attached to your feet!
So I wasn't so much judging, I was just wishing I had my feet under me on solid ground. I think everyone goes thought this.
I think;
Its not always a matter of wanting more, being more, holding yourself to a standard, or that yo are being lazy, afraid to dream, yada yada. Sometimes it absolutely is. But having worked so hard to push in a time when I just needed to heal and center, and having worked so hard when it WAS the right time, I learned it is better to just heal and recenter when its time to do that.
Staying distracted and not healing and dealing is in my opinion, never the right path. There is always something you can control, and your healing is one of them. It doesn't involve controlling other people or changing, the past but it involve some scary conversations and facing some scary realities about yourself and your life.
I believe you can never go wrong with:
Taking care of your spiritual house. Whatever that means. Whatever you believe that restores you, gives you faith in humanity, orders your world, and helps you love and not judge - take care of that. Invest in it. Don't put that off in favor of distractions.
Take care of your physical house. Let go of appearances inside and outside your life and just lean into the best physical shape you can be in. Without a doubt, you will not reach your full potential by not pushing your body and being fit. Playing small, keeping someone else's definition of fitness, doing less than your best for whatever reason allowing yourself to be held back is not doing anyone any favors. Your purpose will not be realized without marrying your mind and body. My absolute best effort 2 years ago was not even what a 70 year old would hold them selves to today. Thank God I didn't camp out there. Our lives were designed to be a mind- body experience and you will never go wrong pausing to get your physical life in order. In your happiest, clearest times, were you fit or unfit? I rest my case.
Take care of your mental house. Push your mind. Stay sharp. Get on top of your administrative life. Push yourself to learn. Invest in therapy, and consult expert opinions on your mental health and coping mechanisms. There is a way out if you can be brave and honest with yourself. There is no room for justifying.
I honestly dont think there is ever a bad time to pause and do these things. But if you find yourself sleeping any energy judging others, try having faith that the future is going to happen and you DO have time to take a breath and focus on these 3 things and I dare you not to come out of the other side with your clarity, in your flow and finding joy in your life!